Where is the time going...I seem to have a couple of weekends to catch up on since the last post....
A few weekends ago we headed out to the Sharjah Dessert Park with our new mates. Sharjah is another Emirate, which in constrast to Dubai is even more conservative (if you can believe). It's a dry Emirate (meaning no alcohol is allowed or served within the state), however the irony is that there is a large (tax free) bottle store 'aka the Man in the Sand' just past it, yet the only way back into Dubai is through Sharjah...a dilemma in itself...for those who want to take advantage of the tax free booze (which you otherwise pay 30% tax for in the bottle stores within Dubai - which are so heavily disguised, you would think you heading for a fire exit). Anyway, I digress...
So... we headed to the Sharjah Dessert Park one Friday morning, a couple of weekends ago, with our new friends Reinet, Gareth and Elmarie (their 'almost' 2 year old daughter), where we would be meeting up with another couple of their mates, Helga and Rob and Sarah (their 4 year old daugther). Still getting used to the whole Friday being the new Sunday, we hadn't quite appreciated, as with everything else in Dubai on a Friday, things generally only open or get going after midday, or in this case 2pm on a Friday...so the Park was unfortunately closed..and another plan had to be made. Instead we headed to the Friday Market, which considering it's name we figured would definitely be open...and which we have since been informed is open everyday (so much for the name). It turned into a momentous occasion, as for the first time in our 2 months in Dubai we saw rocky hills....quite the change from the usual flat sand pits we have become accustomed too, so an adventure in itself. The Friday market consisted of stalls on either side of a long stretch of road, with the most carpet, plants and fruit stalls you have ever seen in one place... After a little 'window' shopping and considering it was only about midday (and the Sharjah Dessert Park would still sleeping), we decided to head to the only other place nearby that we knew would be open ...the 'Man in the Sand', where were had lunch and was pleasanly surprised to find it was right at the beach. (Unnfortunatley these pictures seemed to be destined for only the memory card and won't upload to my blog.)
We also branched out from the usual shopping centres we have frequented over the last 2 months (namely the Dubai Mall and the Mall of Emirates) in search of some new furniture and made a trip to the 'new' Mirdiff Shopping Centre (twice in one day)...which also coincided with the last day of the Dubai Shopping Festival. We fortunatley had quite a successful shopping experience (not to mention, made a note to ourselves to go back for the 'wind tunnel skydiving experience'), finding our coffee table, TV console unit and dining room table, all of which have since be delivered, so our empty villa is finally starting to take a more homely shape.
We also finally found the beach...and so made a couple of outings to the beach in the glorious weather that is considered to be 'winter-ish'. We also discovered the Burj Al Arab from a much better angle than we had previously seen it.
Mark and I went on a Dessert Safari, which was lots of fun and recommended to all who visit Dubai. We had a great driver, who together with his friend (out of a fleet of about 30 or more drivers (and Landcruisers) from our tour group) were very adventurous, which made for an awesome first dune bashing experience. The way they handled the Land Cruisers on the dunes was amazing...seeing how the driver infront slid horizontally down a dune, whilst feeling it at the same time in our own 4x4. The sand was an amazing reddy/brown colour, which I had hoped would be captured in the photos I took (but which again the memory card has decided to make only available to the memory card, as opposed to downloading it to my blog), whilst we waited for the engines of the Land Cruisers to cool down before heading to the camp site on our dessert safari, where they had camel rides, belly dancers, henna tatooists and a bbq dinner. We stopped en route to look at the Sheikh's camels, which some are used for racing, and the others used for beauty contests, if you can believ! Should you look at some of the camels closely, they really actually do have some pretty looking faces (but again for some reason, the pics are only destined for the memory card and not my blog).
Mark also jetsetted off for another work conference, this time to Nairobi, leaving me as the lonely housewife yet again for a week. And what a successful and busy week it turned out to be.... I went for another interview, and was asked back for a second interview the same day, following which I was offered the position. I accepted the position the next day and started working 2 days later (as a 'visitor' whilst my visa got processed). As Murphy would have it, my first assignment for my first 3rd year course was of course due the day I was due to start work...and same old, same old, I of course had left it until the last minute (thinking I had lots of time as the 'leisurely housewife' at the time), but ended up staying up until the early hours of the morning getting it done and dusted, only to have to get up early for my first day of work in 2 months. Since this posting is so late...I have since received my result and am very pleased to report that the late night payed off and got 88%!
Working in this country is rather different to the UK...mainly because they have 48 hour weeks, as opposed to the UK's 40 hour weeks. Not to mention 30 min lunch breaks (which I only found out on my first day...as I hadn't even thought it necessary to ask for whether they had an lunch hour time in my interview). My hours are 8am to 5.30pm...another huge adjustment, as it means I am actually getting up before Mark (which when in the UK I was only getting out of bed just before 8am). The 'lady of leisure' was very sad to go, but at the same time it does feel good to be back at work again, exercising the old brain and of course and making some money.
This past weekend we went on another skiing excursion, this time with our friend Gareth who hadn't been snowboarding for almost 10 years, but showed that it's just like riding a bike! Lots of fun was had again before the crazy crowds descended upon the mall after their morning of worshipping session. We all however managed to take a tumble this time, Gareth, as he hadn't been for quite some time and because snowboarders generally seem to spend a lot of time on their bums when they start out or in this case as a refresher. Me, because I lost focus on the way down from the top of the slope, when I took the time to watch a girl on the ski ramp (which opened up mid morning) doing some tricks, and thereby losing concentration on what I was actually doing myself. Mark, at the very end, just checking to see whether he could fit one more ski in, before our passes ran out and in his haste managed to wipe too! :) Nevertheless no harm was done and we all enjoyed a great skiing/snowboarding session and look forward to improving our 'moves' numerous times in the future.
I also took Carol to the '30 ~Second to Mars' concert in Abu Dhabi (actually Yas Island) for her belated birthday present... When we arrived, we felt a little out of place, considering we seemed to be the oldest 'groupies' around, amongst what seemed to be mainly 'teeny-boppers'. But once we entered the arena (after finishing our 'padkos' which we had yet to finish on the bus ride (as you do, considering the copious amounts always bought), we found the booze tent...and after being requested for some to show ID (considering the numerous under 18's around), my ego very much took a plunge when only Carol was asked to show ID upon entering the 'booze'' tent, even although I had my drivers licence readily to hand and available to show as and when requested. You can imagine my dismay at not even being blinked an eye lid at....Carol on the otherhand got an ID wrist band to show she had proved her age when requested...and revelled in the delight of being asked. :) My only 'witty' response was 'Happy Birthday Carol".
Unfortunately no screens were up at this particular concenrt, so the 'general amission, really was only 'general admisson' and as such this was about as close as to the 'Jay'Le' (aka 'he 'HOT Jared Leto') we came about... But yes, he is still VERY VERY HOT, and we loved being 'his groupies, regardless of how far away we might have been'! :)
So yet again lots more fun this month...and we look forward much much more...especially with our 2 day upcoming boat and diving trip.
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