Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Wild Wild...

Wadi and other adventures...

Almost a month has passed since my last update and as we have become accustomed...what a month it has been! Firstly the temperatures have soared, which has taken some getting used, and for the first times in our lives I think we can actually say it’s not so bad having an office job.

The weekends on the other hand have proved interesting, trying to keep ourselves entertained without over heating (too much). In our first attempt, Mark, Carol and I headed off to the Wild Wadi Waterpark (near the Burj Al Arab - the hotel that looks like a sail boat and the Jumeirah Beach Hotel – the hotel that looks like a wave) a couple of weekends ago, for a fun day in the sun (or should I say scorching heat). We spent the entire day (from about 11am – 7.30pm) in our costumes in and out of the water, having an absolute ball and a lot of laughs! We had a go on all the rides available and some a number of times... from ‘white water rafting’, rides on big tubes, rides on small tubes (all of which whisk you around on slides around the park), catching waves in the tidal pool (which was very entertaining to see just how many adults made use of the life jackets available... the only reason I can think of is because they not used to a sea that has very many waves), to a rather high and super fast water slide (on which my lungs, which had had quite the workout already, were used to their full capacity!).

Apart from Boxing Day at King’s Beach (back in the day when you used to go to the beach on Boxing Day many moons ago) I don’t think I have ever seen so many people swim in their clothes (and I don’t mean strip down to the bare essentials for swimming purposes, I mean their entire kit). Wild Wadi is not somewhere you just happen to stumble upon on your way past when you feel like a quick dip... you pay to go in and generally make a day of it, so those that were there had every intention of going to a Waterpark when they set out from home earlier that day.

The swimwear was interesting to say the least, from the usual bikinis, tankinis, full costumes, board shorts, chafe vests, you name it...to the more conservative swimwear for ladies... full body costumes yes, you read right... we headed right back to the 1920’s (actually maybe even before that) where woman wore full length costumes (serious ‘onesies’), long pants to the ankles and long sleeves to the wrist, not to mention a head thing as well... and as if that wasn’t enough, they also wore a skirt or sarong of sorts around their waists. We even saw a lady in a full length wetsuit (with a skirt around the waist)...and considering I was dying of heat in my tankini...I would honestly hate to know how hot she must have felt, but then at least she was in and out of the water from time to time. Unlike another lady we saw, sitting the in the tiniest spot of shade, in jeans, a full length jersey and a head scarf watching her husband and children frolicking in the water... how she didn’t pass out from the heat I really don’t know.

What a fantastic day out for us though, we really made the most of our time there (getting our monies worth entirely) and before we knew it they were announcing the closure of the park. Carol and I fitted in one more ride before it was time to head home, from what had been an action packed and quite an exhausting day.

The rest of the month has included a couple of trips to the movies...Carol and I went to watch Jane Eyre. Mark and I went to watch the much anticipated Hangover II, which didn’t disappoint and was almost every bit as funny as the first. Mark and I bought a WII, which has led to some stiff competition between Mark and I (not to mention stiff arms and other body parts). We had another skiing session with a couple of mates, followed by lunch at the Lakes Club (and a swim for some). We met up with a friend from London (who was over for a few days for work), headed to Neos, the Sky Bar at the Address Hotel, which has fantastic views across Dubai (including views of the Burj Khalifa up close and personal). After which we gave the Mango Tree a second chance and had dinner there, where the food made up for the disappointing service we had had the time before.

I also did some more study work and finished off yet another assignment! If only I could bottle and sell that sense of relief after just having submitted an assignment ...I would be a very wealthy lady!

We also did online e-learning Padi courses for our Advanced Scuba diving course and Enriched (Nitrox) Air course. And as if all that wasn’t enough for the month of June already, this past weekend we headed off to Fujairah, just outside of Dubai, to complete the practical side of the Advanced Diving Course.

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