Monday, 20 October 2014

Double trouble...

...coming our way

So what I failed to mention in my previous post of the almost year long catch up...was that in September last year we decided we were brave enough to try another round of IVF.  But unfortunately the powers that be thought that perhaps we weren't quite ready for another little miracle just yet.  So after 1 round of IVF, carried out over 2 cycles...after the first being cancelled and the second using frozen embryos which didn't take...we decided to have break before trying again.

It was during this break that Mark kindly signed us up for the Standard Chartered 10km race...something which I thought at the time I wouldn't be able to do, but which I'm very happy to say we both completed!  Mark in just under an hour, 53 min or so and myself in 1 hour!  Whilst I have probably hardly run since, I do hope this is something we can try to do at least once each year in the coming years, as it was really a great sense of accomplishment!

Then in February we started a new round of IVF, this time the doctor did everything the same as he had done with Hudson and the blood test was due not long before we were scheduled to leave for SA for our Easter holiday.... The results were in, it had worked, we had a POSITIVE...!  :)  Whilst it was all still very early days when we arrived in SA, it was great to be able to tell the families in person this time.  We were also due to have our first scan (6 weeks) whilst we were in PE and it was there we were given some rather interesting news....dum dum daaaa...the fact that we are actually expecting TWINS! Something that I don't think has really quite sunk in 100% yet!

Now its 12 weeks later, and I'm 18 weeks along and we have found out the genders of our new little Twiglets.  We had always planned on NOT finding out the second time round, but with double trouble coming our way (which was enough of a surprise on its own), we thought it best to be as prepared as possible!  So what would they be...we were both almost certain we were destined to have 3 boys, considering the dominance of the male Attwood gene, but... it appears I am in luck and we were told there was one of each baking away inside!

So whilst it all still a little scary, we can't help but feel doubly blessed!!  Hears to hoping the rest of my pregnancy goes well and we get to welcome Twiggie and Twigles in November later this year.

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